Unbelievable training of Pakistan army commandos by farahkhan750

Training of SSG Commandos of Pakistan Army.Pakistan Army is a land-based service of Pakistan Armed Forces and considered as one of the best armies in the world. The skills of Pakistan Army are better than US Army but due to latest technology and modern warfare weapons US Army has an edge. According to a survey conducted in 2012, Pakistan Army has more than 642000 active soldiers.SSG (Special Service Group) has strengthened Pakistan Army through its quick response service and now its commandos are operating along with regular troops in Operation Zarb-e-Azb near Pak-Afghan border. The secret behind the success of SSG commandos is the hard training in tough conditions of dessert, snow mountains and underwater.The unbelievable training of SSG commandos has converted this special unit into large sized division with ten battalions. Terbela is headquartering of SSG headed by Major-General of Pakistan Army. SSG is created in 1956 in which 19 Bloch people were selected for first time and later included more commandos.The training pattern of commandos was the same of US Army special force in early days but later adopted modern techniques and learnt more skills in coming days. SSG commandos took part in Indo-Pak war of 1965 and more than 200 hundreds commandos deployed in India’s territory. In 1971 war, they worked better in East Pakistan with regular deployed armed forces.During Soviet Afghan war 1980-87, SSG commandos of Pakistan Army took part in several operations disguised Afghan Mujahidin. During the period of 1986-87, commandos of Pakistan Army fought with Soviet Airborne forces for 27 days. They formed a group of three hundreds men with Afghan Mujahidin and stopped the enemies from charging towards Pakistan.During Siachen and Kargil Wars SSG commandos showed its brilliant work and cut the supply line of Indian Army and surrounded them until peace treaty was signed between both countries. The training of SSG commandos is the toughest training of Pakistan Army and that’s why they are capable of operating impossible missions and getting success

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